Friday 1 February 2013

There were was only about a week in between the time we got back from the mission trip and when it was time to go back to Canada for good. During that time I ministered on another healing retreat and got an opportunity to share about our mission trip and about my entire time at Pierrepont in front of all the staff and NETS trainees there. I feel a lot more confident with public speaking than I did before the teaching practices and opportunities that I got in Hungary. I am now back in BC and I am excited about the future. I have no idea where God is going to take me or how he is going to use what he taught me while I was away but I trust that it wasn't all for nothing. I feel a lot different and a lot more confident in what I believe. Thank you for reading my blog and for praying for me while I was away. I know I am so blessed with many friends and family members who have supported me all the way through this adventure. I will continue to share what God is doing in my life over the next little while because I am still getting settled in to life back home. I just got offered a position at Stream in Chilliwack as a support professional. I know it sounds really official but it's actually just answering phones and answering questions. I am also back into being a youth leader at Eden, my church and getting to know all the new girls who have come into my group. They are very fun and they think I'm the best at hide and seek. On sunday I will be sharing about some of my experiences in England and I will see if I can post a recording on here. If not, I will basically be saying what I've already written... Just in an interview instead. So that's what's next for me!

The mission trip was very exciting. In Romania we got a lot of chances to minister on healing retreats and we even got plenty of opportunities to get off the base and see local markets and coffee shops. We had an opportunity to visit a children's home nearby the base. It was actually an orphanage but with a better name. I had a lot of fun playing with the kids there but none of them spoke any English so we just communicated with the toys and the kids had so much fun playing with the flash on my camera. It was very new to them. At the end each of us were given a child to pray for and the little girl I prayed for didn't know what I was saying but she bowed her head and closed her eyes anyways and when I finished I said "Amen" and she corrected me because it was supposed to be "Amin".

In Hungary we toured around Budapest the first day and got to see castle hill and all the parliament buildings. In the photo on the right is a palace guard but he was really scary because he had a gun and that was as close as I was going to get. We also went to a big market which basically sold a lot of fruit and meat and then the christmas market which was really cool because it was at night and there was a lot of christmas lights and a giant tree in the middle of it all lit up. There people would set up booths to sell their own home made food, clothes, toys, tools... you name it. It was really neat to see the skill and work put into some of the things people were selling for only a few thousand forint! 
We also did more ministry at the Ellel Hungary base but mostly people came to us to get ministry so there wasn't much outreach in the city itself which I probably would have liked more of. Durring our stay in Hungary I got very sick was in bed for most of an evening and the entire next day. Thankfully everyone was praying for me and I got better quickly. It must have been something I ate...