Sunday 17 June 2012

This weekend I ministered in my first healing retreat, which involved two whole days of listening to the guest for a very long time about their life, then trying to ask all the right questions to bring out key points, alot of praying, and trying to think of useful scripture. I don't think ministering is particularly my calling in life but I'm glad that I know how to do it if I ever need to. I have more of a heart for teaching and setting an example rather than the kind of ministry they do here, which is very exhausting! I'm still loving the course though and still learning tons.

There is only one week left in stage 1 and during the break I'm going to go to France to stay in a castle! It's a bed and breakfast chateau in a beautiful rural area of France. I found out about it through a website that has lists of places you can travel and stay in exchange for service. I will be doing 6 hours of work (gardening, cleaning, cooking, whatever there is to do) from monday to friday in exchange for a free room, food, and weekends off to explore! It's in a place called Loire Valley which I've heard is beautiful. I'm very excited.

Tomorrow I have my last appointment at the hospital. One last test and then that should be the end of that chapter of my England adventure aside from the medication and diet, which has been working very well. I really appreciate all the prayers. The diagnosis terned out to be colitis, which will stick with me for a while but it is manageable and not actually that big a deal if I take care of myself well enough, which I will!

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear! You're growing, changing, it's wonderful to read!!!
