Friday 31 August 2012

I'm getting baptised on Tuesday! I should have done this a long time ago but I kept putting it off. Also I was scared to be baptised into a specific denomination. Now I just want because that's what Jesus tells us to do. I'm really excited. Please pray for me.

Saturday 25 August 2012

I went to London last weekend with my friend Tina and stayed with her lovely family there. I learnt how to eat African food with my hands and what threading is. On monday I bought a travel card and toured around London by myself and I only got lost once! I saw St. Pauls cathedral, the Parliament buildings, and Big Ben. I also did a little bit of christmas shopping. This weekend I'm going away again to stay with another friend but she doesn't live too far away this time. It's really good to get away from Pierrepont every once in a while. Not that I don't like being here but it's good to be reminded that there's a real world out there sometimes. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to do on the next break. I will need to be careful on how much I spend because I was looking at my finances the other day and realised I'm about £1000 short for stage 3! I will be praying a lot and ask that you pray for me as well. I totally believe that the Lord will provide for me because I feel like I am meant to do stage 3 but I will ask for prayer anyways. Thank you!

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Here are some of the fun things I've been doing since stage 2 started

 Durring creativity week we did messy painting. I smeared most of this with my hands. Fun!

This interesting device was on a kids playground. It was very fast and made me sick but now I know...
 This has become a regular routine in the evenings. Quite often we will jam after dinner untill late at night just worshiping God and enjoying eachothers company and skills. I've been getting better at guitar and even had one lesson on the piano.
 Riding Harry the horse. My roommate was laughing because of the nervous sounds I was making.

Everyone seemed really small from up there

 Birthday dinner at an indian restaurant for our indian friend. Most things were very spicy and we had alot of rice and naan bread. He ate with his fingers.

Thursday 2 August 2012

I've lost the cable for my camera so I don't have any pictures from France for now but they will be up eventually. We've been back on stage 2 for a few weeks already and so far it's been quite good. We had a creativity unit where we just made stuff. I painted a big butterfly with my fingers and made a cool collage of a tree and decorated a lot of cupcakes then ate them. We also did another ministry workshop (which I stubbornly refused to minister in or receive ministry). I'm struggling with prayer ministry at the moment. I've also made a lot of new friends who are new on stage 2 and they are all very lovely. I'm enjoying the different kinds of people still and starting to pick up on the similarities of personalities related to the different nations. I have the same room and roommates from last term which I'm happy about. Also the swimming pool is open now so I've really been enjoying that. I will update again soon when I have pictures! Bless you.