Wednesday 30 May 2012

I got about two hours of sleep my first night at the hospital. They have done some really uncomfortable tests, jabbed me with a bunch of needles and gave me a lot of drugs. All my doctors and nurses are really nice though so I'm quite happy about that and my roommates here are all old ladies and they are all very nice. I've also enjoyed what I've been able to eat here. They have really good fruit ice cream. I have no idea how long I will have to stay here for. They said it's too early to tell. In spite of everything, I am filled with joy because I know that nothing can get to me that doesn't first go through my father in heaven. When I listen to worship music on my computer I get really giddy and happy. It has never been so powerful and true to me before. Praise God for answering my prayers! Do not worry about me. He has got it all under control.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Good news: I figured out why I've been sick! praise God
Bad news: I'm in the hospital and being mercilessly tested and injected with stuff. Please pray I will get well soon and my bowels will stop being inflamed. I'm sure I will and God has been so good to me through everything! wow

more good news I was emitted on the day we were supposed to learn about sex and sexuality at Pierrepont. I will still have to listen to the tape but I got to get out of the awkward classroom setting.

Thursday 24 May 2012

So yesterday I ministered to someone for the first time and it wasn't as bad as I had expected. I was easily able to sympathise with them and ask them questions about their issue that they had brought up. However, I was convinced there was nothing wrong with the issue they had brought up and when everyone expected me to deliver this person from it I said no and handed it over to someone else. What surprised me is that when this person was being delivered from this issue, they manifested! I couldn't believe it. I think I've got to sort some things out with God because I was obviously wrong about that. It's hard to learn new things here because I always feel like I have to be making sure that it's true and bibically correct. I don't want to do ministry wrong but at the same time I feel like I would do things differently if I were ministering at home. It just feels very structured here.

I can't seem to figure out this stomach thing. It's not the food, everything I've tried hasn't made a difference and I've been getting good sleep and exercise. I went to the doctor and they said there's nothing wrong with me but I will go again. I'm sure it will go away soon though. I WILL get better!

I went to London again and saw some real live palace guards! they were marching and everything. It's the queens Diamond Jubilee, whatever that means, and pretty soon the Olympics will be in London as well!

Thursday 10 May 2012

I had my healing retreat over the last couple of days. I found it quite frustrating to be honest. My prayer ministers were very nice ladies but I didn't feel like they ministered into the most important parts of my life. We spent a great deal of time talking about yoga, which was annoying, and I bombarded them with questions about things I had ticked on my occult checklist like trick or treating, Harry Potter, and having de ja vu experiences. I think I was testing their Patience at times. I would not want to have ministered to me if I were them. They didn't answer all my questions properly but they did really well and I was deeply touched a couple of times. I think what I leaned from that experience is not to come to God expecting certain things to happen if he has other things in mind. Not everything happens at once and as my good friend Jos would always say "It's a journey". Alas, I had no manifestation but I did feel a bit lighter at the end of everything. Also, it was good to hear the testimonies of my friends from the retreat.

I am still quite sick and I'm not so sure now whether it is something I'm eating or not because it is getting worse and happens even when I haven't eaten for a long time. Please continue to pray for me.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

My first trip to London was mostly all awesome. It was pouring rain for the first few hours and I was totally focused on finding the perfect birthday gift for Maggie. It cleared up later on and although I couldn't find a sea creature stuffed animal with a Buckingham Palace guard suit I did get her something that I was satisfied with. After attending the loudest, most amusing church I've ever been to, we walked around London until it got dark and we crossed London Bridge just as the sun was setting. It was absolutely gorgeous.

I love being here more everyday. This week we have been learning about soul ties, our generational line and what gets passed down to us, and inner healing and emotional wholeness. The good thing about these this is that everything they are teaching us is backed up by bible scripture and we get loads of notes with lists of verse references. They even give us time to work things out with God by ourselves. Everybody is so supportive of each other too. Apparently our group of stage 1 trainees are very polite and calm compared to normal. That's alright, I love them all. My roommates are also awesome and we are very good friends.

I do have some bad news to report, however. Something I'm eating has been making me sick for a couple weeks or almost since I got here and I don't know what it is. I'm trying to not eat any dairy to see if that helps at all and I'll keep experimenting. For now, that is my prayer request. Thank you so much!