Thursday 24 May 2012

So yesterday I ministered to someone for the first time and it wasn't as bad as I had expected. I was easily able to sympathise with them and ask them questions about their issue that they had brought up. However, I was convinced there was nothing wrong with the issue they had brought up and when everyone expected me to deliver this person from it I said no and handed it over to someone else. What surprised me is that when this person was being delivered from this issue, they manifested! I couldn't believe it. I think I've got to sort some things out with God because I was obviously wrong about that. It's hard to learn new things here because I always feel like I have to be making sure that it's true and bibically correct. I don't want to do ministry wrong but at the same time I feel like I would do things differently if I were ministering at home. It just feels very structured here.

I can't seem to figure out this stomach thing. It's not the food, everything I've tried hasn't made a difference and I've been getting good sleep and exercise. I went to the doctor and they said there's nothing wrong with me but I will go again. I'm sure it will go away soon though. I WILL get better!

I went to London again and saw some real live palace guards! they were marching and everything. It's the queens Diamond Jubilee, whatever that means, and pretty soon the Olympics will be in London as well!

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